Saturday, June 25, 2016


And we're done!

I guess we were officially done on 6/8/16 (almost exactly 4 months after we started the remodel), but this has been my first chance to post the final before-after pics.

I'm a little disappointed in the "before" pics I took as I realized I didn't capture all the things that were bad about the house before (like the whole back side with peeling paint and warped siding), and didn't take pictures of the living room/entryway either.  Oh, well.  Take my word for it--what we have now is definitely an improvement.  :)

But here are the side-by-side before and after pictures I put together.

Siding and windows and soffits/gutters/downspouts

Siding and windows and soffits/gutters/downspouts

windows, patio door, siding--this one shows the most accurate colors (pink to brown)

patio! the before shot is actually after they'd put in the patio door, so ignore that ;)

Door and window and stoop and sidewalk removed--replaced with flowers; siding replaced

window, door, stoop and sidewalk; new siding on front and side

siding replaced; trim and garage door painted

Doorway widened; door removed; paint; cabinets

cabinets and countertop, paint, floor, appliances, window taken out

stove, floor, cabinets and countertops, window gone, sink and faucet, dishwasher

sink, paint, cabinets and countertops, window/patio door, floor

cabinets and countertops, floor, paint

cabinets and countertops, window/patio door, paint

cabinets and countertops, floor, paint

Cabinets and countertops, paint, floor

carpet, paint, curtains (and furniture rearranged)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Look what we have:

Do I love it? Not really, because we didn't want carpet at all. But it's amazing how much better carpet looks than plywood.

Other than a little bit of decorating, this remodel is DONE!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Yesterday they installed the vinyl in the entryway. The order (delivery) had not included underlayment (luckily the installer had some in his truck) or quarter round for trim (luckily we had some left from the cabinets--just needs to be painted). Though it wasn't our first choice--or even our second--I think it looks pretty good.

Tomorrow (theoretically) the carpet will be installed and we will be done. Dare I hope?

This weekend we did a lot more yard work. The sand is settling nicely on the stone path. I re-set more of the rock wall. I got a bunch of awesome perennials from my friend Nancy's garden, and we spread (I think) 14 bags of mulch.  

Here's a bonus photo of my garden: